Friday, October 21, 2011

FREE:A Good Friday

I liked how this week ended, and I am looking forward to the freedoms of my weekend. I will not sit here and complain about how hard my work was this week & how tired it left me. What happened in the past is in the past. Looking forward is always better than beating yourself up about what you could have done better rather than what will you do better the next time an opportunity presents itself. Making this post seems to be very easy for me because it is not how I have started this week it is how I will finish it. We won are football game and it is Friday. I feel good inside my thirst quenched, hunger satisfied, and needs met.

I wish I could feel like this every Friday because sometimes I school and football can be overwhelming. So all I do is give what ever challenge faces me one hundred percent, and then give even more.It is happiness like this that sometimes makes me wonder will I be just as happy in twenty years? Only time will tell until then I will have to work for this good feeling I have on this wonderful Friday. I wonder what next will be like, hopefully, in some ways, this one. Life is a funny thing though, things are going great and then something goes wrong, just as things are getting better. People live your lives as well as you can because they can end at any moment. As harsh as it sounds it is true.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

(RE)A Sad Truth

He has a point
Think about the animals used in product testing. Think about the monkeys shot into space. "Without their death, their pain, without their sacrifice", Tyler says, "we would have nothing."-Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
It's kind of sad how true this quote is. If you really think about it we would have nothing without animals and the environment. People would not have gotten anywhere without sacrificing the lives of unwilling test subjects.
Cody has made quite a post pointing out the animals that have lead to a lot of successes in many things including medicine, science, and even food. The problem is that these were indeed unwilling sacrifices. I wonder if I would be considered ungrateful, because I think it was cruel. What has already happened can not be changed. Regardless of how medicine or most of the food we eat is made we still use it. These facts could sit in anyone's face and not change a thing. Why doesn't it?

Do we as human care what happens to other living things on the planet, or even the planet itself? Pollution, debt, and wars it is like we are digging our own graves. We are at the top of the food chain and yet as a human race most people do not take advantage of it in a good way. I am most grateful for the people who do try making a difference. However, it does not balance out the problems the entire world has. We are in for some hard times.

CE: Turky Wants Justice

 This will not end well

Turkey has paid last respects to the 24 soldiers killed by Kurdish fighters on the Iraq border, as Turkish warplanes and helicopter gunships continued attacks on Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) bases in northern Iraq. President Abdullah Gul, who recently made a morale-boosting visit to border troops, vowed Turkey's revenge for the attacks would be bitter.
These killings were a result a raid on a Turkish military base. Now I can understand why the army would respond with fighter jets, I mean they were being attacked. However, after reading that the president was promoting revenge, that makes me wonder if he is really thinking it through. That type of reaction could not only spark a war, but it could also even affect their economy, depending on how long it last. Not only that, but more soldiers would needlessly die. If that is how the country wants to proceed I can only hope they understand the full extent of the consequences of what can happen.

As for the soldiers think I am pretty sure they want justice, but I did not see their opinion in the article. I wonder if they even gave one, and if they did was anyone listening? That seems to be the center of a lot of problems in today's world. One inescapable fact is that responding with violence to a bad situation will only make it worse. Its like trying to put out fire with gasoline, its stupid. All I can say now is be careful.

Friday, October 14, 2011

(RE) To have Inspiration

 Thinking it through

"Free post gotta be the hardest thing to write about. Its funny how I would think to myself that I know just what to write about but when I start I stare blank face to the screen. I don't know whats the problem. My mind just shuts down. Either my life has to many things going on or I just cant talk about just one."
          Well I sure have been there and done that, what I hate the most though is when there is a district assessment and we are not allowed to know the topic until it is given to us. As days pass by the post actually seem to get more and more easy. Not to say that the Biweekly columns or monthly do not challenge my knowledge and writing skills it just is not as challenging. I am saying as time passes by it becomes almost second nature.
           It also gets interesting, especially with the free post considering you can pretty much write about what ever you want. Things like T.V shows, stage acts, or even just something you saw. Like Gary Chan said the problem is choosing sometimes. There is also the matter of having the right amount of words. When you really get into what you are writing you can easily go over the limit, but at that point it really does not matter. I forgot where I was going with that. Anyway that pretty much wraps this post up, and I have to say this was actually was a pain to write.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

CE: Something Worth Fighting For

 It is certainly something to protest about
        "The plan would have combined payroll tax cuts for workers and businesses with $175 billion in spending on roads, school repairs and other infrastructure, as well as unemployment assistance and help to local governments to avoid layoffs of teachers, firefighters and police.Tuesday's vote played out as disaffected crowds continued to occupy Wall Street, a square in Washington and parts of other cities around the country in protest of income inequality and related issues."
                  Nine percent is the unemployment rate, from what I have heard, and that number certainly will not decline without action. From what I have read people are protesting all around the country. It is quite a start, unfortunately the bill that would originally have helped the situation was declined due to lack of votes. Which of course led to this. It is good that people are now starting to, lets put it this way, getting more active instead of waiting around for something to happen. As for the original plan, since it failed to pass, I would imagine that a new one will be maid if this keeps up.
                  With all the dedication that  the people are putting into these protest, I can only help that their efforts will be worth the wait. Another thing that interested me was the fact that, so far from what I read, is that the crowds are conducting themselves in a civilized manner. That is all the thought I can put in right now; all I guess I can say now is....... stay active and do not let up.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BC: Living to the fullest

Living every day like it’s your last.
There are things to consider when you want to do something like that. See people have certain responsibilities when it comes to everyday life. Say there is a five year old, the thing is they more than likely will not understand that statement. When they get to be about seven or eight even the word death could scare them bad. Now at about age ten they understand what it means to live to the fullest. The problem with that might be they would not know how to begin, and at the age of ten they are probably busy with things like homework and chores.
So how would they do it? This is just something I would suggest, they should start with things they were to afraid to do before which, at the age of ten, could be a wide variety of things. That would most defiantly make someone’s day more exiting. Of course that would just be the start, after spending time doing that exiting activity kids have things that require their attention. Like I said before homework and chores; another thing I would suggest is finding ways to make these things more interesting. That would be more ways to make the day “worth living.” Of course these are just thoughts off the top of my head. Other kids could come up with ways of intense living that I would not have thought of.
Adults have more freedom so they can not only make plans ahead of time on what to do to make their day worth living, but they also have more time to complete these new found goals. However, like I said before there are other things to consider. Now if an adult has, lets say a family of four, they already have their hands full. Mom and dad have to go to work, pay bills, pick the kids up from school, make sure the kids did their homework, and that is just the tip of the ice berg. All these things, and more are required of them on a daily basis. I am not saying it is impossible it's just that responsibility comes first. Even a young adult who has not started a family of their own could have things to worry about.

All  of this should not suggest people at least try living every day like it is their last. It is funny to think that if someone made a soul promise to themselves to live to the fullest, they might spend the first day trying to figure out what to do. Believe it or not it could happen that way, like figuring out what to write for my sophomore research paper. It took a while to think about, I got the topic, but more time was taken than I had anticipated. That is also another thing to think about. Time is precious, which is kid of the cause of this topic. There almost never seems to be enough of it each minute passes, and all we can do is wish there were more. As hard as it is making time to live to the fullest can be done, but it sure ain't easy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Free: Something Weird With the System

                     I would like to start out by asking, did anyone have to enter their birth date when you made your blogger account, because I do not remember having to do that at all. The reason is I got a notice saying that my blog was due to be terminated because I am not in the age group of thirteen. It really made me angry; we, first period, were in the computer lab by the foreign language building, and I had only like forty minutes to start my bi-weekly column.I had already planned for it and could have even came close to finishing if it were not for the delay. At first I thought it was a prank, but after trying to log in three more times, it just got more and more annoying. In that moment I just wanted to find who ever set the age requirement system, for blogger, and brake the the computer screen over their head.
                    All I could do at that point was start the column in Microsoft Word, and despite the little time I had left I actually got more than half way there. I was indeed able to get the account back, it just needed ID or some king of card to scan, but it prevented me from doing a lot of work. I cannot help feeling like it was a scam of some sort. Well its done with now and I am glad I do not have to make another blog. All those subscriptions and preparations, it would be just too much.