Wednesday, October 5, 2011

(CE) Crazy Kidnappers

                 To Cheap For Ordinary Work?
                  " Kidnappers in the restive southern Philippines have freed an American woman after more than two months in captivity, but held on to her son and nephew, authorities said.An uprising in the south that has dragged on for more than 40 years has given birth to a wide range of rebel groups, bandits and pirates, many of which regularly carry out kidnappings for ransom."
           That is what I really asked myself after reading the article, " To cheap for ordinary work?" Its like people who just found out that money does not come easy, at first, are just to lazy to work for it. So they look at easier, stupid, ways to get it instead. I pray that the bandits would have enough mercy to not harm the youth. If the parents are the ones who have the money then why should the kids have to suffer for it? Then again this is a bandit we're talking about. The term, money is the root of all evil, can be easily proven through this story.
           I am not saying that wanting to have money is bad, because everyone wants a little change in their pocket, I'm just saying do not resort to drastic, or what I call, crackhead methods. These people have have a choice still, even if they do not thinks so. From what I have read they have not harmed the victims just held them captive. What I hope for more at this point is that the hostages will be fine when they are saved.

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