Friday, October 7, 2011

(Free) To Be Human#3: How to explain it, I do not know

                    When you think about it, if you ask someone the question, what it means to be human, we can only give a pysical description of how we feel or look. You do not have to explain it to others because we all make up the human race, but what if you had to explain it to an alien? How exactly would you do it? Humans have needs and characteristics, but there are many more things that they could be compared to. I mean you would have to make an unbelievably long list so the aliens would not get people mixed up with objects from house hold appliances to tropical plants. It my sound weird, but to the aliens we are something that can not be understood unless we were to give a very detailed description of the average human.
                   I mean it would be better than giving them someone to run tests on just to see what makes a human tick. Its strange to think that our emotions could be opposite to theirs. What I mean by that is that when we feel anger that is when they feel happiness, or our sarcasm is their general language and so on. Then again it could be they are just like, well when it comes to emotion, just unwritten books. At that point could if you wanted  to try and teach them how to feel emotions, how exactly would you do it?  Like I said before you could only give the physical description. Quite the challenge isn't it? 

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