Thursday, October 13, 2011

CE: Something Worth Fighting For

 It is certainly something to protest about
        "The plan would have combined payroll tax cuts for workers and businesses with $175 billion in spending on roads, school repairs and other infrastructure, as well as unemployment assistance and help to local governments to avoid layoffs of teachers, firefighters and police.Tuesday's vote played out as disaffected crowds continued to occupy Wall Street, a square in Washington and parts of other cities around the country in protest of income inequality and related issues."
                  Nine percent is the unemployment rate, from what I have heard, and that number certainly will not decline without action. From what I have read people are protesting all around the country. It is quite a start, unfortunately the bill that would originally have helped the situation was declined due to lack of votes. Which of course led to this. It is good that people are now starting to, lets put it this way, getting more active instead of waiting around for something to happen. As for the original plan, since it failed to pass, I would imagine that a new one will be maid if this keeps up.
                  With all the dedication that  the people are putting into these protest, I can only help that their efforts will be worth the wait. Another thing that interested me was the fact that, so far from what I read, is that the crowds are conducting themselves in a civilized manner. That is all the thought I can put in right now; all I guess I can say now is....... stay active and do not let up.

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