Thursday, October 20, 2011

(RE)A Sad Truth

He has a point
Think about the animals used in product testing. Think about the monkeys shot into space. "Without their death, their pain, without their sacrifice", Tyler says, "we would have nothing."-Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
It's kind of sad how true this quote is. If you really think about it we would have nothing without animals and the environment. People would not have gotten anywhere without sacrificing the lives of unwilling test subjects.
Cody has made quite a post pointing out the animals that have lead to a lot of successes in many things including medicine, science, and even food. The problem is that these were indeed unwilling sacrifices. I wonder if I would be considered ungrateful, because I think it was cruel. What has already happened can not be changed. Regardless of how medicine or most of the food we eat is made we still use it. These facts could sit in anyone's face and not change a thing. Why doesn't it?

Do we as human care what happens to other living things on the planet, or even the planet itself? Pollution, debt, and wars it is like we are digging our own graves. We are at the top of the food chain and yet as a human race most people do not take advantage of it in a good way. I am most grateful for the people who do try making a difference. However, it does not balance out the problems the entire world has. We are in for some hard times.


  1. I hate to say it, but I tend to agree with this gloomy outlook at the moment. I think our current situation affords lots of opportunities for new ways of doing things...but if we don't start finding those new ways quick, then I think you're right--we're in for tough times.

    As usual, a very thoughtful post. Thanks for writing it!
