Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BC: Living to the fullest

Living every day like it’s your last.
There are things to consider when you want to do something like that. See people have certain responsibilities when it comes to everyday life. Say there is a five year old, the thing is they more than likely will not understand that statement. When they get to be about seven or eight even the word death could scare them bad. Now at about age ten they understand what it means to live to the fullest. The problem with that might be they would not know how to begin, and at the age of ten they are probably busy with things like homework and chores.
So how would they do it? This is just something I would suggest, they should start with things they were to afraid to do before which, at the age of ten, could be a wide variety of things. That would most defiantly make someone’s day more exiting. Of course that would just be the start, after spending time doing that exiting activity kids have things that require their attention. Like I said before homework and chores; another thing I would suggest is finding ways to make these things more interesting. That would be more ways to make the day “worth living.” Of course these are just thoughts off the top of my head. Other kids could come up with ways of intense living that I would not have thought of.
Adults have more freedom so they can not only make plans ahead of time on what to do to make their day worth living, but they also have more time to complete these new found goals. However, like I said before there are other things to consider. Now if an adult has, lets say a family of four, they already have their hands full. Mom and dad have to go to work, pay bills, pick the kids up from school, make sure the kids did their homework, and that is just the tip of the ice berg. All these things, and more are required of them on a daily basis. I am not saying it is impossible it's just that responsibility comes first. Even a young adult who has not started a family of their own could have things to worry about.

All  of this should not suggest people at least try living every day like it is their last. It is funny to think that if someone made a soul promise to themselves to live to the fullest, they might spend the first day trying to figure out what to do. Believe it or not it could happen that way, like figuring out what to write for my sophomore research paper. It took a while to think about, I got the topic, but more time was taken than I had anticipated. That is also another thing to think about. Time is precious, which is kid of the cause of this topic. There almost never seems to be enough of it each minute passes, and all we can do is wish there were more. As hard as it is making time to live to the fullest can be done, but it sure ain't easy.

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