Friday, October 14, 2011

(RE) To have Inspiration

 Thinking it through

"Free post gotta be the hardest thing to write about. Its funny how I would think to myself that I know just what to write about but when I start I stare blank face to the screen. I don't know whats the problem. My mind just shuts down. Either my life has to many things going on or I just cant talk about just one."
          Well I sure have been there and done that, what I hate the most though is when there is a district assessment and we are not allowed to know the topic until it is given to us. As days pass by the post actually seem to get more and more easy. Not to say that the Biweekly columns or monthly do not challenge my knowledge and writing skills it just is not as challenging. I am saying as time passes by it becomes almost second nature.
           It also gets interesting, especially with the free post considering you can pretty much write about what ever you want. Things like T.V shows, stage acts, or even just something you saw. Like Gary Chan said the problem is choosing sometimes. There is also the matter of having the right amount of words. When you really get into what you are writing you can easily go over the limit, but at that point it really does not matter. I forgot where I was going with that. Anyway that pretty much wraps this post up, and I have to say this was actually was a pain to write.

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