Friday, October 21, 2011

FREE:A Good Friday

I liked how this week ended, and I am looking forward to the freedoms of my weekend. I will not sit here and complain about how hard my work was this week & how tired it left me. What happened in the past is in the past. Looking forward is always better than beating yourself up about what you could have done better rather than what will you do better the next time an opportunity presents itself. Making this post seems to be very easy for me because it is not how I have started this week it is how I will finish it. We won are football game and it is Friday. I feel good inside my thirst quenched, hunger satisfied, and needs met.

I wish I could feel like this every Friday because sometimes I school and football can be overwhelming. So all I do is give what ever challenge faces me one hundred percent, and then give even more.It is happiness like this that sometimes makes me wonder will I be just as happy in twenty years? Only time will tell until then I will have to work for this good feeling I have on this wonderful Friday. I wonder what next will be like, hopefully, in some ways, this one. Life is a funny thing though, things are going great and then something goes wrong, just as things are getting better. People live your lives as well as you can because they can end at any moment. As harsh as it sounds it is true.

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