Friday, October 7, 2011


 Ain't that the truth
                     "Sleep. That's pretty much all that I can think of to write about.. I feel so sleep deprived.Every night it feels like a burden to try to sleep. My eye bags are getting heavier and darker.For the last half of summer I felt restless. I couldn't fall asleep and I had nothing to keep me busy during the day."
                         Lately I have been waking up at night randomly, and it is very annoying because its hard enough just getting to sleep. It was different for me during the summer, I had plenty of things to enjoy and football practice kept me very busy. When I got home after maybe just riding around on my bike from Fruitvale to Shoreline I would just collapse on the couch, but not go to sleep. In fact most nights I did really feel tired probably because I would spend time thinking about what to do the next day. When I am tired though nothing needs to be said because I will fall asleep where ever I lay down.
                         The school nights sure do not get easy especially in he winter. Sometimes homework keeps you up later than you should be. This week I did not have as much so I got all my hours in. Its funny the hardest part of sleeping, for me, is actually going to sleep. Unless I am dead tired it can take me up to an hour to fall asleep. I guess I will end with that because I do not know what else to say.

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