Friday, September 30, 2011

Defining Humans Monthly Essay

                  The definitive  characteristic of humanity is their inner conflict with Greed  and determination. People have always been determined to achieve a goal they set out to complete. I am aiming to get a job and scholarships for college, honestly who wouldn't, but its the way and effort someone puts into the work that defines weather it is greed or determination. Greed is pretty much an undying desire  for  wealth  or possessions. Determination is an undying will to succeed. There are clear differences in the definitions when you read the sentences aloud, but also similarities. So one is considered better than the other because it uses better tactics than the other.
               I think there it is a matter of choice sometimes but mostly selfishness and the inconsideration of other people that defines a person as being greedy. There is something in people's head that says, " this is not enough," that makes them want more. If a person, who can not really afford college, was determined to get a scholarship in order to pay for a college such as CAL or MIT, they might write about five letters or maybe even more. That would probably be the case for someone who is middle class or under. A person who is well off is less likely to receive a scholarship, but what if they pressed to get some anyway, is that considered greed?  What I learned from the book Rich Dad Poor Dad is that a smart person with money spends as little as possible.
                        Were does the line between greed and determination fall? If a person is like Robin Hood steals, the only reason he stole was due to a greedy king taking way more things than he needed, what does it make him? Now Robin was determined to take as much as possible from a wealthy kingdom in order to help others, but what if he were to do it so much that  the king now had less than half of his original fortune. Most people might say it would serve him right. However, what if Robin and his crew now have helped out the poor up to the point were they are well off, the king is almost left with nothing, and just are faced with a substantial fortune. I believe that the conflict, between determination and greed, would be weather or not to give some back to the king since he is pretty much lower than everyone else. To put it simply the king is now "the poor" and everyone else is " the rich." It's like the entire situation is turned upside down, and while other people could call it justice, the king himself  probably would call it greed(due to him being broke).
             In some stories Robin was not even human, but each had the same idea, steal from the rich give to the poor. Also each one would be faced with the same conflict if they were put into the situation. The low life king has gotten what he deserves, but Robins policy still remains. That is the conflict in that case.  So I wonder what would others do in Robin Hood's predicament. It is weird to think that after all he did to bring the king down that  Robin would  help him. This seems to me like something between greed and determination that is out of anyone's hands when you put the situation that way.  So this is like leaning towards determination, until you flip the problem they your just stuck in the middle.

                 "Any determined goal or policy is likely to end up contradicting itself when taken to a logical extreme." Charlie Sutherland

           This situation I am about to describe has everything to do with greed. Two counties have been at war for about ten years and one eventually wins, but at too great a cost. I'm talking about destroyed villages, burned forest, beautiful meadows turned into bloody battle fields, unsuspecting travelers caught in crossfire, poor locals who did not even know what is going on, and even natural resources depleted from the ongoing fighting. Just something a history book would not miss, but it all could have been avoided. Now lets say there was an eight year old, now eighteen due to the ten years of war, reflects on the pat events and ask what the hell just happened.
               The original feud between the countries was over some land, which was unclaimed and separated both countries, that provided a type of energy that can be used for a variety of things. Now a debate would require both sides to give up something to reach a peaceful settlement. However, none of the politicians or the head of each government want to do that. So they go to war in hope of not just gaining land, but now some of the riches and resources from the other country. Now what they did not think about were the consequences, The disregard for the safety for their own country has left both sides in deep crises. Now this whole situation is a disaster people are either to stubborn or lazy to make an agreement. It would give anyone a green light to walk up to the leader of each country  and say you greedy bastards.
               That problem lands  beyond the line of greed, there was no determination to forge peace or understanding. The feelings of a person are indescribable after they go through a traumatic experiences of war. However, this does not compute for the "higher ups" until they realize they have lost way more than what they would have gained if they were determined. Its they simple equation of cause and effect that most humans do not seem to think about. When I think about it more that simple equation could save people a lot of trouble if they took a little time to consider it. As humans greed leads us to not think about how or who will the the decisions affect everyone. If someone does not want think about the well being of others then they could put it this way. After the greed of a person causes them to make a bad decision, that affects say a small city by making them loose all of their electricity permanently, they will have to move, which cost money. They, I know I would, are going to try and find the selfish person responsible.
                   A guess humans will be humans, but that is no excuse to pick greed over determination. This is wishful thinking, but hopefully there will be a day that all people will be determined to better man kind for the sake of future generations.


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