Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Room: BC

           Lars had always had a room to call his own and nobody, and I absolutely mean no one was allowed. It was his domain, walking to it was fun. The hallway floor leading to it had been made into a layer of temperpedic fabric so that each step was a soft one to remember. The plaster walls were painted with black and white lines to make it seem as if you were walking into a portal. Lars had memorized every inch of the room just so he did not have to use the lights, not to say he never did.
          When Lars finally reaches the door, which is made out if two inches of melted tank armor, he says his full name into a microphone that recognizes only his voice. Then and only then will it open. If you were lucky enough to get inside of this room the first thing you would see is a floor that is 51*40 feet, and a 10 foot high sealing, most of it was oak wood. In the middle of the floor there is another spot with more temperpedic material that has been topped with an artificial fabric that felt like the fur of a Chow Chow dog. The walls are simply plaster, but what happens after the room is turned on is what makes them complicated. At first glance all you see is darkness, Lars walks feeling the smooth waxed oak wood floor, then past the Chow Chow dog carpet, each step tickling his bare feet, and finally to the other end of the room.
           At the end of the room there is a panel with a gel that you place your hand on, that only recognizes Lars hand prints. Its like putting your hand in jelly. Lars often gets his hand sticky after doing this, so there is also a bottle of had sanitizer on the panel. After Lars' hand print is recognized things get interesting. Its almost like being inside of a transformer. Two sliding panels on the roof open and two mechanical arms gently place a futon, with a temperpedic mattress and cup holders in the frame. The wall in front of the futon opens up to a sixty-two inch liquid crystal display television with cable, Xbox 360, Playsation 3, DVD player, and over three hundred options in movies or video games.
          Behind the futon the wall opens up to a smaller room that has book shelves filled with writing from only his favorite authors, the top two being Walter Dean Myers and Darren Shan. This room's carpet is the same type you see at a movies' premiere. In the middle of the miniature library there is a alien ware  computer that also has a liquid crystal display monitor. On the wall parallel to the entrance it opens up to a juice and snack bar with a marble counter  and miniature refrigerator for ice and fruit. The drinks consisted of orange juice, apple juice, Gatorade, water, and a wide variety of sodas. To top it all off there was mechanical butler to serve drinks an turn the air conditioning on off.

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