Monday, September 5, 2011

The New Year: BC

Boom! First day of school was alright, and so far my classes are how I want them, simple. Which is another interesting thing, no matter how much work there seems to be it seems to be so much more simple than last year.I might even enjoy my english class this year. That is big thing for me considering in the past I dreaded the thought of english class. To put it "simply" my english teacher, so far, does not make me want to pass out where I sit when he speaks. I am not even a week into school and I feel exited, maybe its the football or the new people I've meet, who seem to always have something interesting or funny to say. Who knows, it could even be the new challenges that face everyone this year.
                           Challenges are fun, not when they are next to impossible and just seem to get worse and worse, they keep you busy and even entertained if I am really just hitting it head on, making it my own.What usually starts these challenges, in my experience, is often a simple question.Why is there gravity on earth but not space, why is our planet the only one with air. I know I would like to know the answers to those questions. Perhaps I will know the answer in the future, till then I am focusing on my life and what I shall make of it in the future. Its funny that word sometimes scares me, its about not knowing what lies in store for me, like dying, what comes after that? All I would like is eternal peace and happiness, along with not ever having to worry about anything ever again. Not only that but apparently my religion will grant me that, so long as I behave ;).                                 
                       Until that time comes I do all I can to appreciate all that I am fortunate enough to receive. The reason is, after I got to the age were crying was not an option for me anymore, every time after that, when ever I was about to cry I reminded myself that there is a lot of pain in the world which out weighs mine by a long shot. So I can not allow tears after something goes wrong, or something does not go my way. I remind myself there are kid that do not even have a bed to sleep in or even parents to tell them that they love them. When facing reality you have to be strong, I am not saying people who do are weak, I just don't like it. This is part of my motivation to reach for my goals, my mom has always told me, " the sky is the limit." I am reaching for it right now and once I get there I will do all I can to bring others up as well. Besides manners and home training my mom also taught me to speak of things as though they were. Not to say, " I want to go to M.I.T or UC Berkeley, " but instead, " I am going to M.I.T or UC Berkeley." Sometimes certain days the goals just seem so far out of reach, and I will have to say what I will do until I am confident in those goals again. Its a long way away right now, but I'm getting there.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're looking forward to see what this class is gonna be like this year! I can honestly say that Sutherland's class really is hella fun. And that you'll for sure enjoy it.
    I was wondering, did you have any writing goals for yourself to try and accomplish this year?
    Other than that though, keep it up!
