Thursday, September 8, 2011

Unfair Writing Assignment: FREE

                        Since this is a free post I am not going to sit here trying for thirty minutes to make a "great" start for this piece. I find this rather fun, well better than my previous english assignments, to be able to talk about what ever I want to. That is probably the problem when it comes to writing assessments. Like one day in class there is a letter, to diagnose our writing skills, that the whole school has to write to an editor about an online school course. There may have been three paragraphs explaining the situation, but it felt like they were all saying the same thing.
                         It did not give anything specific, like who would be participating on the online course elementary, middle, or high school kids. We only received a warning that we would have to write about a topic and the date it was to be completed. It seemed as if someone just slapped a piece of paper in front of me and said, "Write about this." To top it off  we only had forty minutes to do it. Usually it will take me six minutes to make a fair sentence that will "keep the reader interested."
                         Well I ended up writing like two paragraphs, and I was not even satisfied with my own work. I can only imagine how that will reflect on my own paper. Even though it does not effect my grade in any way I would have liked to have more time so some effort could be seen in it. Our english teacher has us doing quick writes, which he says will improve our ability to write at a constant rate, normally.

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