Wednesday, September 14, 2011

To Be Human:#1 Could a Tree be human? (Free)

                             An interesting question to consider, because the physical make up of a tree, and how they receive their energy, is way different than that of a human. However,  there are just as many similarities as there are differences. In the jungle there are many trees that compete for sunlight. Kind of like contestants on American Idol or America's Got Talent. Those who reach high proceed to the next round while the others are left behind. To put it simply if you want to be at "the top" your going to have competition. Not only is this true for humans, but trees and pretty much any other plant that uses photosynthesis as well.
                              If a person were to repeatedly kick a tree, and it respond in a way that we could understand, would its response be any different than that of person getting kicked in the knee. I imagine it would not hurt, but I'm sure that the tree is not going to find the activity enjoyable. They depend on water a little more than we do, they can make their own food, and they mate to have offspring. Still these are all necessities that a trees have to receive in order to continue surviving. They are obviously not what a "normal" human needs to stay alive, but does that make them any less human than they are considered to be? They do not talk, sleep, or even walk around. What I wonder is, what is the major difference that makes it not human, and what if that one difference separates humans from each other? So tell me, what do you think separates humans from trees?

1 comment:

  1. Tryin' to score you some traffic:
