Friday, September 9, 2011

I Agree: RE

A Similar Story

                                  I have to admit I don't remember much because I was still small. But I remember watching the news during dinner time with my family and hearing the adults saying, " Oh, this is SERIOUS?"
                                  That is interesting because I to remember also watching the news and seeing the twin towers fall. At first it did not see what the big deal was, coincidentally I had been watching a show all week on demolitions. However, after listening, I heard that there were people in those buildings and it was no demolition, and definitely not an accident. At that time, because I was five, I could not begin to understand how many people were affected by this. Sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and even whole families killed in an instant.
                                  It is crazy to think that who ever did crash those planes agreed to give up their lives. I mean, what was the point and who did it benefit. These citizens who half probably had absolutely nothing to do with the conflict died in an instant. The more thought I put into it the more I ask why, and it sits at the front of my mind. As much as I would like to understand why it was done I am having even a tougher time trying to figure out who would allow such an event to happen. Not only that, but what messes me up is, who ever higher ed those people to crash the planes most likely consider them freedom fighters. Because to them this messed up sacrifice was for a worthy cause.

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