Friday, September 23, 2011

To Be Human:#2 What Separates Humans from Animals: Free

                    What does separate humans from animals besides obvious physical features? We are biped,usually only have two nipples and a limited amount of hair.We, as humanity, are considered the most deadly animal alive. So what makes us any less human then most animals in the wild. If a human were to get stuck on an island their fist instinct would to be to build a shelter, find water, and hunt for food. You could call it natural instinct or just common since. This is what most living things in the animal kingdom do on a day to day basis, so maybe that is why people call it survival instinct. That way it opens more opportunities to spot more differences in humans, animals, or plants.
                    Maybe the human brain is what separates us from most living things, but an elephant's is up to four times larger than ours. So why can't they talk, I mean their bone structure clearly shows why they can not do certain physical activities that humans do such as type or walk on two legs, but the brain seems developed enough in terms of size and memory. Why can't they read or just simply talk. If an elephant is challenged it holds its ground, and the same thing happens if the family is in danger. Me I would not call that survival instinct. Here's why there is a clear change in body language, emotion, and communication when danger is near especially when it comes to there herd. There is something to think about.


  1. Key idea for your essay to finish up tonight:

    Any determined goal or policy is likely to end up contradicting itself when taken to a logical extreme.

    This is the idea that came to me when you discussed your "robin hood" example with me today in class. Hopefully this will be useful to you.
